Friday, 6 October 2017

Vegasaur 3.3.0 Terbaru

Vegasaur 3.3.0 Terbaru

Vegasaur merupakan sebuah plug-in untuk software Vegas Pro professional non-linear editing system yang dimiliki oleh Magix Vegas Creative Software, dimana Vegasaur memberikan sejumlah tools otomatis dan script canggih yang mampu meningkatkan fungsionalitas dari vegas Pro.
Vegasaur 3.3.0 Terbaru
Vegasaur 3.3.0 Terbaru
Vegasaur Toolkit ini dapat di jalankan atau membutuhkan Vegas Pro 11, 12, or 13

Fiture yang di tawarkan

  • Save hundreds of clicks and countless minutes. The longer you work with it, the more time it will save you.
  • Increase your productivity
  • Streamline the workflow
  • Automate frequent editing tasks and processes
  • Wealth of unique features at an affordable price
  • Must-have toolkit that makes using Vegas Pro so much easier, better and faster!

Changes in version 3.0:

  • Vegasaur 3.0 requires VEGAS Pro 14 or newer. You can install this version side-by-side with the older Vegasaur versions – Vegas
  • Pro 8-13 will continue to use Vegasaur 1.x or 2.x, while the newer versions of Vegas Pro will use the new Vegasaur.
  • A bunch of technical changes: new .NET Framework, new Vegas Scripting API, updated GUI library etc.
  • Silence Detector: Finds the silence in the media files.
  • Still Images Panel: Indispensable tool for animators. Fast way to change “New still image length” setting and more.
  • Batch Stabilization: Added support for Mercalli V4 Stabilizr plug-in
  • By default, Vegasaur uses dark color skin, but you can easily change it in Preferences window

Langkah Install

  • Download software nya, lalu extract ! Wajib !!
  • buka folder “Vegasaur 3.3.0.kuyhAa”
  • DoubleClick ” Silent installation.cmd” untuk menginstall
  • pastikan install nya melalui ” Silent installation.cmd”

  • tunggu beberapa saat
  • dan enjoy

Ini merupakan versi TRIAL, namun akan di reset setiap 1 minggu sekali, jadi TRIAL nya tidak akan habis !

silahkan jalankan Magix Vegas Pro nya dan cek Plug-in nya
salam luar biasa
Size: 34 Mb

=> Vegasaur 3.3.0 Terbaru | via zippyshare

=> Vegasaur 3.3.0 Terbaru | via dbree

=> Vegasaur 3.3.0 Terbaru | via datafilehost

Download Vegasaur versi 2.7.1 Support Vegas Pro 11, 12, 13

=> Vegasaur versi 2.7.1 | via zippyshare

=> Vegasaur versi 2.7.1 | via dbree

=> Vegasaur versi 2.7.1 | via datafilehost

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